Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dots for Tots for the iPad

I've just finished up my second iPad app. Once available, it should be available from iTunes as Dots for Tots.

The idea for Dots for Tots came from one of the books by Glenn and Janet Doman, How To Teach Your Baby Math. We really liked the idea of giving a sense of numbers to our son, Isaac, by showing him several dots on a page. The problem is coming up with the flashcards! So, we decided it was time to build an iPad app.

We actually had this idea with the iPhone, but the problem is screen size. A child (especially a really young child) just can't see well enough for 100 dots to appear on that small of a screen. However, when the iPad came out, and we saw how others were creating flashcards apps for it, we thought this was the time to break out the idea again.

With the experience of building the Coupons app, it only took about two weeks of total development time for this app.

Of course, I'm still learning new things about iOS app development. This app brings sound into the mix, plus switching orientation from portrait to landscape. Oh, and I had to use the shake feature, which is surprisingly easy to implement!

We want the app to do so much more, and eventually it will integrate with MultiPaaS to store settings and child progress, but that's a ways off. The next version will probably add basic math functions (i.e. add, subtract, multiply) to the mix.

We'll have a lite version out shortly after the full version is approved.

Here are several screenshots of the application in action:

Other screenshots:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

iPhone App Approved!

I got a nice call from Apple after my latest rejection, and we worked through the issues and I resubmitted the app with new icons. I was very impressed that they called us, especially since we're such a small operation.

As of today, MultiPaaS Coupons is up on the App Store.

I'm just happy that I was able to build the app and get through the process to get it up on the App Store. It took a few times, but now I know better what works and doesn't work.